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Ally, the traitorous Superman rip-off, was here and blowing up random shit. It must be a Tuesday.

“Does this change the plan?” Werzelith asked.

Zack stared into her deep blue eyes and felt his eyes twitch. Maybe if he compressed to density 25, he would have a chance.

“No, the plan hasn’t changed. We ride to the Samsun Davis Hospital,” Zack said.

He stared at the sky for a moment more, soaking in how screwed they indeed were. It wasn’t like he didn’t get it. The end of the world, why not go nuts and blow up everything? Who cares if it screws over some people. That was the kind of thinking that doomed a species.

Zack was sure the bastard wore his flag costume with an eagle on the chest. Castle Dusk was a long way south. Unless they lost another cap, he wasn’t going to win easily.

He had two current goals: healing and compressing. At density 20, he would be in a much better position.

So, what could he do but move forward? I hope they didn’t cross paths until Zack was ready.

He checked his status even if it wasn’t essential.



Soul lvl18

Mass: 259

Density: 18

Pressure: 55.5


Zack had 259 strings of 55.5 pressure at his disposal. If he compressed it, it would leave him with about two and a half strings. Two strings would equal about 173 pressure. Two hundred fifty-nine strings equaled 14,374 in soul pressure. With that kind of power, he could hurt Ally. Killing such a fast, robust, long-range opponent wouldn’t be easy. If he had a soul weapon, the fight might have been impossible.

Rictor got his hands on one, so who said Ally couldn’t do the same? There was no word of Red Scythe, so Zack was willing to believe the weapon had a new owner.

War appeared from the shadow while his demons hopped into his. Seven demons within the first day was incredible. Zack hoped it would be enough.



Ziri cursed as the human twisted the wheel as they rushed out of the parking lot. Trucks exploded behind them, but her presence concealed their acquisition. Zack better be grateful.

Far from the fight, she didn’t gain as much xp, only enough to reach 80, so her fellow contracted demons were probably stronger.

“How can he not see us?”

“I’m hiding us, idiot. That’s how we’re getting those kids out.” She smelled something. “Pull over. I need to get a recruit,” Ziri said.

Justin tapped on the break, and they stopped before three different hellhounds feeding on a succubus corpse. Her mouth watered at the sight, but most of the good parts were already down someone’s throat. She tried to make herself look professional like the head bitch she was.

Zack gave her a job, and she was doing it, but she wasn’t some dumb drone. Ziri knew the end game, and getting some bitches on board early would ensure they had enough presence concealment to get out of the city. She was prepared to snag a stealth-based rank instead of something with higher rarity or more long-term use.

She was the kind of girl who would take one for the team if Zack treated her right for her sacrifice.

While they could wait for Zack to give the order, she would get the trucks they needed before they were all blown up. Her latest ability anchor kept her presence concealment going for a long time.

She flashed her teeth at her reflection, loving how tough they made her look. Fangs were necessary for hellhounds.

When the window rolled down, she flashed her canines and growled.

The bitches were only low-level bottom feeders, so when they saw Ziri’s significant meaty level, they crouched and showed their throats. She licked her fangs and thought about asking which of her new bitches ate the choice parts of the succubus. Then she thought better of it; humans like their partners to have fresh breath. For some reason, tasty blood and meat were unattractive. So she did the best thing she could do and lay down the law.

“Get in, you’re my bitches now,” Ziri said.

Power and her glittering white fangs were enough to convince the low-level demons in charge. It sucked that the imps were killed, but the kids would like their hellhound friends much better. Partnering with humans had its perks, though nothing compared to the feeling of devouring humans and their souls.

She decided to be good in a world with so many bad dogs because Zack was going places. It was better to go along for the ride than to be one of the bitches on the street eating corpses.

They parked, and she anchored the truck with presence concealment and then went with her human companion to get another one. A few more, and they would be ready to go.



A storm spiraled around the hospital's grounds. Outside the barrier separating the elite’s land from the outside, the sky was clear, the sun was up, and it was the middle of the day. Inside, it was a dark place with creepy, bare trees. The temperature was low and dropping with each step.

The blue-haired woman chuckled when he caught glimpses of them. A wendigo stepped out from behind a tree, and its head exploded.

Zack returned his pistol to its holster and smiled. He debated snagging a few Wendigos. They had some great ranked-up forms. Most were around level 70, but there might be a second rank somewhere. Maybe the elite was a Wendigo.

That would be interesting.

An elite Wendigo should be much stronger than a mere imp.

Something flipped open a trap door and emerged.

“Welcome to the hospital of the damned. Those who enter here aren’t allowed to die.” A massive collection of wiggling tumors and grafted body parts said.

The heads on its body gasped and cried, looking around panicked. From his shadow, Noel’s face appeared, and she used her water jet. The demon blinked as water cut through her body like tissue before a waterfall. The wounds froze and sizzled like acid.

“My friends, no, your souls are mine. I won’t let you go.” Zack fired, and the demon’s head shot to the side. It turned, and wiggling tentacles ripped out of the flesh, grey and whithered. “You took them from me. They were my friends.”

Zack held his transformed shotgun and blasted the demon on the shoulder. It cried out as he approached.

 There was no smile on his face.

“What are you?” Tendrils covered in blades shattered as they battled against Zack’s soul strings. “Not a Scylla. Thank goodness you’re just a demon parasite.”

The creature’s eyes widened.

“Wait, can I contract with you?” Zack placed the muzzle of his pistol against her head and fired.

The spores were destroyed as they tried to enter his lungs or skin to infect him with the demon parasite.

Even the hospital grounds meant to promote growth and healing were perverted by the demons. At least the parasite gave plenty of soul mass.

Zack approached the building, and Werzelith tugged on his shirt.

“What is it?” Zack asked.

“You are about to see things that will hurt you.”

He nodded his head slowly at the succubus. “Let me guess, humans were a finite resource until the demons got their hands on them,” Zack said.

“The worst atrocities are committed not out of cruelty but necessity. Where a cruel demon will eventually get their fix, the wheels of business are greased with blood.” Werzelith said.

More trap doors flipped open, and monstrous entities of different shapes and sizes emerged. He drew Hades and began cutting them down. The icy winds of Hel devoured their flesh to the bone. The chill his blade exuded carried with the conjured blades. Flesh ripped from the bone as Zack killed and used feast to upgrade his weapons.

He could feel his soul growing in mass ever larger as he slaughtered. Blood and ice paved his way to the hospital entrance like a macabre red carpet. Zack felt like a VIP when the woman continued to giggle and admire his power as he marched.

When he stepped into the lobby, he was met by a succubus with pink skin, a swollen belly, and bandages covering her nipples. Her tail flicked back and forth, and her wings fluttered in anticipation. There was a smile on her face that was all anticipation.

“You should rest a while, warrior. My shift is nearly over, and the baby won’t be due for a while yet. Taste my milk, fill me with your cock, and give me the warmth of a true man.” The succubus said.

Zack blinked before turning to her.

“Contract or die,” Zack said.


High Succubus Matron lvl189


“Show me your status screen.”

The woman opened her mouth and closed it. “That’s a rude demand, sir. I only asked if you would like to take a break and rail my pussy and possible ass. I even offer my rich milk.” The MILF succubus raised massive GG breasts dribbling with milk around the bandage. She stood up, showing off her thick thighs and large boots. “Look at me. I’m the wet MILF dream you’ve been dreaming of.” The demoness said.

“I’ve just killed my way through hundreds of bodies puppeteered by demon parasites and giggling snow girls. You will obey me or face my wrath.”

A red aura wrapped around him as War gave him a buff.

Zack stopped slumping and stood at his full height, exposing his bulging chest packed with muscle and arms and practically remade by pressure. He had been transformed by the very power that destroyed him.

Slowly, the succubus raised her hand, and a pink and black screen appeared in front of him. He moved to the scaling menu and saw that her Vitality scaling wasn’t bad.

“You may contract with me. We won’t have sex until we leave the city.” Zack said.

“If I refuse to contract me, will you kill me and my baby.” The demoness said.

Zack raised his gun and pointed it at her face, and cocked back the hammer.

Succubi only get pregnant after they’ve burned hundreds of souls in their lust kiln. They fed souls to their unborn young through sex. She was a honey trap almost guaranteed to kill anyone who made it to the lobby. Her pheromones filled the lobby thick as fog except around Zack. He used his soul strings to push the pheromones back.

“Interesting, a man with conviction and restraint. Alright, I’m yours; let's contract.” Zack smirked and shook hands with the demoness.

Immediately, he felt his vitality count for so much more in his body.

Succubi could grow its scaling by taking in more souls and rank-ups. This woman decided to make vitality one of her main stats. He felt almost completely restored. Zack compressed.



Soul lvl20

Mass: 5

Density: 20

Pressure: 86.7


Five strings batted the pheromones away as the succubus jumped him in a hug. She pressed her massive breasts against his chest and pressed her forehead to his.

“Do you know how bored I’ve been here? Why don’t we have a little fun? I promise not to take your soul if you can make me cum first. Trust me, I’m worth the risk.”

It was tempting. The woman was sex through and through. Zack knew that the warm feeling of her breasts was doing something to his resilience.

The succubus’s head turned to the side as Werzelith decked her.

He shook his head, regaining his sanity. Before the MILF succubus could do anything, Zack strung her neck up and choked her. She clawed at her throat in complete shock. He let her go after only a few moments.

“Get in my shadow. I don’t have time to waste on you,” Zack said.

“Babe, I’m about to rank up,” Werzelith said.

Werzelith lvl100

“What should I choose?” Werzelith asked.

“Whatever you think is best.”

“You have charisma from me, don’t you,” Werzelith said.

Zack froze for a moment, then nodded. “It was the best choice I could make.”

“Alright, then, I’ll choose something that gives plenty of charisma gains if available,” Werzelith said.

Zack felt like he was falling into a bottomless abyss. So much was happening, and he was stuck and weakened. Cultivation wasn’t an option yet to boost his body to handle his soul. So he needed to lean on something he stripped down until it just barely squeaked by. If he could do it over again, he would have chosen demon contracting to specialize in instead of cultivation. He had only one essence slot, despite what most people thought. Demon contracting was something learned in the demon arches, unlike his soul density and pressure knowledge.

Anyone could do what he did with the proper knowledge. He only struggled long enough to find it and recognize its usefulness.


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