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Chapter - 36 True Power Saiyan Part - 2


The Amazon City stood tall and proud, surrounded by lush vegetation and vibrant flora that thrives in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

Its architecture blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings, incorporating elements of nature into every structure. Tall, sturdy buildings made from sustainable materials rise harmoniously from the ground, adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant murals illustrating the history and strength of the Amazonian people.

As I slowly approached, I could feel the city was already in turmoil. The sound of clashing weapons echoes through the air as the Amazons, fierce warriors and defenders of their land, gather at strategic points in the city.

Women of all ages, wearing intricately designed armor, and moving with agility and grace, ready to face whatever threat stood in their way. Their determination was clear in their eyes, fueled by a deep sense of pride, unity, and awareness that their home must be protected.

The city's defense was clearly precisely organized. Sentries were posted on imposing lookouts, while they kept watch for my arrival, communicating rapidly through a network of signals and messenger birds.

The Amazons tried to employ a wide range of defensive mechanisms, including hidden traps and camouflaged fortifications designed to harness the power of the rainforest to their advantage.

Not only does nature itself seem to side with the Amazons. Ancient trees with massive trunks intertwine and form a living barrier around the perimeter of the city. Vines and foliage intertwine, creating dense barriers that are difficult for me to penetrate.

I knew very well this fortress had resisted even Heracles and those who could considerable strength. But to their misfortune, I was not in the mood at all for all these silly defenses. And I would have torn down these walls brick by brick if that was what it took. So I released my Evil Ki with the intention of destroying everything in front of me.

Deployed in formation outside the castle was a field of gleaming bronze shields, spears and armor. An army of war-clad Amazons.

My eyes scanned their breadth.... Hundreds, maybe even thousands of them, all here for one explicit purpose, to stop my advance.

And at their head stood two women, one with long red hair wrapped in a ponytail, armed with a spear twice her size, Artemis. And beside her was the familiar figure of Donna Troy, dressed in her gown studded with glittering stars and a golden lasso hanging by her side.

I looked up at the walls and could see Hippolyta, marked from the rest of the Amazons by the crown that glittered on her head. The power of Themyscira had gathered here, all but a glaring omission; Diana was nowhere to be seen.

With each step forward, the ground trembled beneath my feet, echoing the power surging within me. "Amazon's Charge!" She shouted, Hippolyta, as she looked into my eyes as she gave the order.

The Amazons rushed at me, weapons drawn, but their efforts were in vain. I dodged their attacks with ease, with my reflexes now at a level they could not even comprehend.

And I responded with devastating force, each blow a testament to my unstoppable strength. Without a moment's hesitation, I charged forward, my fury propelling me like a natural disaster that destroys everything in its path without making any distinction.

Arrows whizzed through the air, aiming for my heart, but they were but feeble attempts to halt my advance. With a snap of the chains tied to my wrist, the arrows shattered against my armor.

I let out a laugh, a primal sound that echoed within the city walls. "Is that all you can do?" I could only scoff, my voice full of wicked glee. The chains, once broken but still adorned around my arms, became weapons in my hands. With a sharp blow, I deflected the volley of arrows, sending them spraying in all directions.

The Amazons launched themselves at me with their spears raised, but they were no match for my strength. With effortless grace, I dodged their attacks, moving faster than their eyes could follow. I struck with precision, my fists and tail crashing into their bodies, sending them flying like rag dolls.

I enjoyed their desperation, their futile attempts to hurt me only fueled my power. The more they fought, the stronger I became. I wanted them to witness their defeat, to see their proud warrior spirit crumble before me.

One by one I knocked them out of the fight and their bodies crashed to the ground, their weapons useless against my impervious armor. Their screams filled the air, a symphony of agony that made me smile sadistically.

Their weapons shattered against my waterproof armor, their useless blows only serving to fuel my rage. I reveled in the chaos, my laughter echoing through the battlefield as I effortlessly eliminated them.

I grabbed an Amazon by the throat, lifting her into the air. Her eyes grew wide with terror as she gasped for breath, her efforts futile against my grip. With a cruel smile, I tightened my grip a little, savoring her fear before throwing her away like an abandoned toy.

Until finally she stepped forward. Her red hair armed with a great spear, her mouth bent in a fierce grin. She stops halfway between her defeated sisters and me, close enough to see the clear fury in her bright green eyes.


"Here I am, New God!", Artemis thrusts the butt of his spear deep into the earth, and puts his fists on his hips in mimicry of my own gesture. "Here I am. Come and face an Amazon of Themyscira if you dare I will avenge all my sisters."

"I wanted someone who might pose a threat to me, but your queen is too cowardly to face me," I replied and approached her. Only a dozen steps separated the two of us now. "

But seeing that in front of me then I will break you" I raised my wrist as you could see that the chains took on a completely blood-red hue in comparison to the past.

But it seemed that Artemis did not care about all that, and she valiantly wielded her trusty spear, a weapon that represented her skill and determination. As she surged forward, I saw an opportunity to display my dominance in a twisted way that would ensure her complete submission

Avoiding her spear with swift agility, I approached Artemis, my eyes shining with dark determination. And with lightning speed, I bridged the distance between us, delivering a punch that was sure to break a few bones.

The impact sent shock waves through her body and a painful grunt escaped her lips. But I wasn't finished. I delivered a devastating knee to her jaw, knocking her back.

Artemis, fueled by her Amazonian strength, retaliated with a series of quick spear blows, but her attacks lacked the power to frighten me. With a sinister grin, I effortlessly deflected her blows with my chains, sweeping away as if they were mere insect bites.

Determined not to let her walk away unscathed, I unleashed a barrage of vicious kicks, each of which slammed into her body with crushing force. The impact reverberated through the battlefield, shaking the foundations of the surroundings. I rejoiced at the satisfying sound of his body colliding with the earth.

But Artemis, refusing to succumb, gathered his remaining strength. She called upon her Amazonian agility and unleashed a series of acrobatic maneuvers, evading my blows with impressive dexterity.

And finally with a sudden and decisive moment, I disarmed her, wrenching the spear from her grasp. A mixture of disbelief and frustration flashed across her face as her main weapon shattered to the ground.

But I wanted to assert my dominance further, to show that she no longer had any power against me. In a calculated move, my wrists went up and the chains of the gods, a symbol of unparalleled authority and control.

And with cold precision, I quickly encircled Artemis' neck with the unyielding chains, binding her in complete submission to my will as I added my Evil Ki to the chains of the gods.

The chains tightened, their grip unrelenting, as I exerted my absolute control over her movements. I reveled in the sight of her struggling against the chains, her efforts to break free becoming increasingly desperate....

"Ahhh!" Her defiance only fueled my satisfaction, solidifying my mastery over her both physically and psychologically. Each strained breath she took, each futile attempt to escape the chains, further weakened her spirit.

Her once unwavering resolve flickered, overshadowed by the overwhelming power and dominance I wielded over her. She had become a mere pawn in my game, a symbol of her defeat and my unchallenged supremacy"

"Now things are starting to get more interesting." In this final act of the battle, I derived twisted satisfaction from witnessing Artemis, the mighty Amazon warrior, reduced to complete subservience before me.

The once arrogant and fierce warrior had been stripped of her freedom, trapped by the chains that had bound me, and I did not puto that putting my foot on top of her head symbolizes her complete defeat.


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