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Omake: Ancient Saiyan Vs Dragon ball Super Part -1


In a vast space surrounded by nothingness. Where in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors. It is a realm of absolute zero, without dimension or appearance in any way. Where there is no sensation, no thought, even the passage of time is impossible to trace.

This Void is a place that is not a place, and it is not even fair to refer to it as an "existing place," as it is devoid of concepts such as time or space, being virtually nonexistent.

In this empty space theoretically no life form should be able to survive. But defying this logic, a man was floating in this vast space of no consequence.

He was tall with a muscular build with his body covered in black fur. And his hair was wildly elongated, reaching to the middle of his back, but the thing that stood out most about him were definitely his red-yellow eyes and black markings next to the eyes that gave the impression of a beast watching its prey.


Typhon Pov

I looked at the endless space around me with helplessness and irritation that grew more and more with no intention of stopping like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.

"I'm going to kill you! Damn you, Yuga Khan!" I could only assert forcefully the aura of my Evil Ki and made the entire space around me tremble, ready to collapse if I used too much of my true strength.

It was really funny: I had succeeded in defeating Darkseid, thanks to the help of Grail and my allies who had joined forces to confront the lord of the universe and had kept his armies busy while I faced him in a fight to the death.

But with his subsequent defeat, the original evil god had awakened accordingly, seeking to fight me for supremacy over who should rule Apocalypse.

He was an even more formidable opponent than his son, thanks to his complete control of the omega effect he could not be taken lightly, and, to my misfortune, until now I had not had complete immunity.

Eventually after a long battle not to destroy the entire multiverse, I had to move our fight to a place where we would not risk destroying all of creation.

But at some point we both ended up outside the source wall, and without my realizing it we pushed into outer space of the DC universe as we continued our interminable fight.

Fortunately as the new gods embodying the living idea of battle frenzy, I was only getting stronger the longer a battle lasted. And finally in a moment of his fatigue I dealt him a killing blow that decreed my victory and consequently dominance over Apocalypse.

I won, that was an undeniable fact but I was completely lost in the void with no way to get back....

I even tried to use or even with some dimensions that I was connected with before I became the ruler of Apocalypse, but I couldn't perceive anything and the only thing I could do was think of a plan while being dragged by the void.

But it seemed that my bad luck had not yet deserted me....

"A Saiyan? What is he doing here? Especially how can you survive the void space of the universe?" muttered a small girl with clear interest written on her face at this strange turn of events.

Holding a cane, she had silver-gray hair tied inside braids. She had a short build and was less than 120 cm tall. With a light blue complexion and her hair is white and long tied in braids and she has a blue halo floating around her neck while in her right hand she holds the fuchsia-colored staff.

Even after a long time I had lost many of my human memories. I could recognize the figure in front of me with just a glance. After all, he was part of the strongest race in existence. He was Cus the angel, from the tenth universe.

Angels in Dragon-Ball were life forms of extremely high status within the hierarchy of the multiverse. Their role is to guide the gods of destruction and above all they were to bring balance to the universe.

And consequently eliminate all threats that might pose a threat.... My body tensed slightly at the potential threat it could pose to me, after all I was an abomination that should not exist.

But at the same time I calmed down. I thought that until I destroyed time and space somehow, I should be safe from being erased from existence by Zeno.

After all, I was not Fu, fortunately for me....

"Mhm" Cus brought a finger to her chin, not knowing exactly what to do. But at some point her eyes lit up and she circled around my body with interest as she dragged her scepter, as if looking for something.

After a while, the blue-gray eyes showed excitement as she said, "Your body is entirely covered with strong muscles.... You are very strong!"


I honestly didn't quite know how to react to these words, yes, now that I remembered this old loli angel had a muscle fetish.... And it had been completely due to the fact that she had been sidetracked by the god of her universe's destruction.

"It seems fate favors her universe, with the power tournament around the corner. I was just looking for some fighters for her universe who could prevent her cancellation."

These words surprised me as I could only stand up as I tried to remain as calm as possible while trying not to let my ever-growing emotions be perceived.

At my actions, Cus simply raised an eyebrow in confusion. As she brandished her scepter in her hand and lightly tapped it toward the ground several times. *Du du du*, the scepter actually did not touch anything, but rather hit the void around her.

Tiny unclear ripples immediately undulated along the fabrics of space like a pebble that was suddenly dropped into a calm lake, making smooth concentric ripples appear. And suddenly, bright dots formed around us creating a small space around us.

"God Ki?" murmured Cus with obvious interest. "You seem to be heading down a rather complicated road."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as I couldn't help but utter in a surprised tone "What do you mean by that, angel?" I asked as I realized that speaking was a strange sensation after so long wandering in the void of space.

"Mhm" Cus put his finger on his chin, assuming a thoughtful expression. "You have, unlike Son Goku, you give off too much of a chaotic feeling, which at first is not bad since you are just beginning to discover your divine path.... But the longer you stay like this, the harder it will be to move forward."

"So I should change my path for another one? Have I made a wrong choice?"

This was a very important topic for me, after all I could not advance my power any further than this. I tried to get as much information as I could to continue the climb toward being the strongest being in all the universes.

Cus simply shook his head, at my question as he raised his staff in the air and showed me what looked like different illusions of different races that existed in this universe.

"No, every life form in the universe is different, and from what I can see you have decided to follow a path centered on instinct or rather call it the dormant ego within your race. Basically we could call it a return to basics, right?"


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