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Omake: Dc/Marvel Universe Tournament of Power. part - 1


In a completely black dimensional space, one could see what appeared to be a combination of a large martial arts Coliseum/Ring. Also, if one paid enough attention, one could see several spectators around the central battlefield watching a being above them, sitting on a throne with a book in his hand.

The being in question called himself Author, a being of absolute and infinite power that even cosmic entities suffered at his hands. And to relieve his infinite boredom, he decided to create and broadcast violent and sensationalistic television programs featuring combatants from different universes, while the various participants are forced to fight each other for his amusement if they do not want to see the universe destroyed.

Yes, this being of infinite power had stolen the idea from Mojo not that he could do anything to stop it, and of course if he had any form of complaint from he then he would accept it before sending it into oblivion to be devoured by some Eldritch creature.

"So!" Author affirmed as he drew attention to himself like a perfect showman. "For the first battle that will decide the fate of the twin universes. I decided to do something less Cliché than usual," he said with a shit-eating grin.

But to his chagrin most viewers ignored him; they had known him for a while by then and did not want to give him any more satisfaction. Especially after being plucked from their universes and getting only a few jokes and several teases in return.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

"So! For the Marvel universe, a man or maybe he is just a beast? He alone has the right to decide while other beings tremble with fear lest they end up under his infinite rage that knows no mercy and no end!"

"A being who single-handedly faced an entire universe and won! A being of infinite potential where no world is safe from his power and rage!"

"A destroyer of planets with a mere fist! A being far beyond what any other being in the Marvel Universe could ever hope to accomplish! Grown to a power to rival the mightiest Celestials! Travels the cosmos destroying worlds as if they were nothing!"

"The living embodiment of entropy!"

"Hulk! World Breaker!"

*Boom!* *Boom!"  *Boom!"

With a mighty battle roar that shook the entire dimension, a green trail fell from the sky, while with a powerful shockwave a giant green creature finally appeared in the center of the battlefield.

"Hulk Smash!" shouted the green creature, with such force that the surrounding space shook. Its strength was certainly not to be underestimated.

Although they had several histories with the green abomination, it seemed that, unlike other times, the Marvel Universe had decided to give all its support to its champion. After all, the survival of the entire universe was at stake, and they could only try to stick together and forget the past.

"Instead, in the opposite corner for the twin universe there is a new entry instead! Who still has a long way to go to be known in the various alternate universes but I am sure he will amaze us all with his strength."

At his words most people in the Marvel universe seemed genuinely confused while instead the counterpart seemed very happy clearly understanding who he was talking about.

"The one who has brought even the "evil god" to his knees and usurped his throne, and now reigns over Apoclypse as the only supreme king. With such power that makes other cosmic beings tremble!

"The only being who can claim to have fucked the Death of the Endless into submission!"

"A hybrid of the strongest races from different universes! His strength knows no bounds as he continues to face stronger and stronger opponents in an endless battle! The new god who embodies the living idea of desire for battle!"

"The king of monsters, Typhon!"

With the last introduction, the twin universes fell silent as they heard footsteps and watched as the man in question stepped onto the martial arts arena with a wide grin showing all his teeth.

Her appearance was what could be described in a nutshell, wild and muscular; with a body that could be described as the embodiment of war and conquest that made several mutant women with certain animal-related powers excited and drooling.

That's what most viewers thought, until a new force appeared out of nowhere, nearly knocking mortals off their feet and bringing the strongest beings in the two universes to their knees.

For the humans or even the various mutants of the two universes, it was as if they were being crushed by a huge force that seemed like it was going to knock them unconscious at any moment.

Instead for the gods and some weaker cosmic beings it was as if someone was stomping on their bodies, preventing them from getting up, while they were sweating nervously at the new presence and it was a miracle that some were still conscious, but although they were on their knees we were trying to support ourselves with trembling arms in the face of overwhelming power.

The only thing they could see was a world completely "RED" . The heat around had also become relevant to them even though they were cosmic beings and at the same moment they stopped caring they felt hundreds of thousands of eyes watching them.

It was a fully alive place into which every beating heart flowed.... And then immediately they saw another world that they could only describe as raw and "pure power" unstoppable and infinite.

The cosmic entities could only bow their heads wanting nothing to do with such a being who had several connections with multiple higher-level dimensions and seemed to be able to become even stronger.

The man in question had long black hair with some crimson locks, he wore some kind of black armor that for some reason looked alive with two exotic bracelets in his arms, he walked toward the center to face his battle. He had a look that would make anyone freeze with fear, with white sclerae and red eyes glittering with power.

The two behemoths were facing each other with no fear on their faces except excitement for the battle that was about to take place, and they almost could not stop themselves from jumping on their enemy to start fighting at this exact moment.



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