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Evening came quickly to Glory City and our protagonist found himself at the reception of the Alchemy Association. Everyone above the rank of apprentice could be seen running around carrying herbs and running to refine, probably going to refine pills or something.

Li Ming slowly made his way to the desk and bowed slightly. "Good evening. I would like to request an audience with Director Yang Xin."

There was a moment when the receptionist clearly wanted to mock he words, but she suppressed it. It seems that despite the clear arrogance she was still a professional "Do you have an appointment?" She asked with a smile to which he responded by shaking his head, "Then I'm afraid I can't let you see director Yang Xin."

Seeing prepared Li Ming took from his space ring a Jade-Token and showed it before I could say anything more. But at the same time, a voice came from behind him in an obvious incredulous tone, "Young man, where did you get that token?!"

Accordingly he turned around to meet an older man with gray hair. "Hello honorable master, I am Li Ming. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?" He clasped his hands in a respectful gesture, without bowing to show a strong background while clearly displaying the token dangling from his fist.

The old man patted his short butt and replied, "Greetings young Li Ming. I am known as Huyan Ming."

Nodding Li Ming held the Jade-Token to his vision "To answer your question master, I am seeking an audience with director Yang Xin to talk about some private affairs.... However, it seems that I have arrived at a bad time and should return another time."

Moving at a speed that betrayed his age, Huyan Ming grabbed his shoulders and smiled, "Ah! No! It's not a problem at all. Please stay." he said before turning to the receptionist.

"Director Yang Xin said that all matters related to her. They must be communicated directly. I will take care of it from here," he said before walking him down a hallway.

And as we were walking, the old man took the opportunity and asked, "If you don't mind, what business do you have with the director?" he said in polite speech that betrayed his curiosity.

Smiling slightly, Li Ming touched his hands again as a sign of respect "Great master, I'm a simple guy, so please don't talk to me so politely" He said and he smiled and nodded before I continued "Besides, people who talk to me politely make me feel old." joke to try to change the topic of conversation in his favor.

This earned a hearty laugh from Huyan Ming. He seemed to be making a good impression on him. "As for my business, I wish to sell some recipes that might help with the general situation in Glory City ."

"A recipe? For what?" he spoke, his tone now much more familiar.

Li Ming put a finger to his lips, "With all due respect, we businessmen should not give up secrets easily." Huyan Ming nodded in acceptance just as they reached a sliding door made of paper and wood.

"President Yang Xin, are you inside? This is Huyan Ming. A friend has come to see you" The old man announced, and not a split second later a small cry of female approval was heard.

Concerned, Huyan Ming opened the door. Peeking in, I noticed a beautiful woman, perhaps in her 20s or 30s, intent on various paperwork that gave the impression of being very busy.

She was a tall, sexy woman with a curvaceous, voluptuous body and large, soft breasts. Of course, what really attracted attention were her enormous assets.  Her breasts were magnificent, as firm as reason would allow. They bent according to the dictates of gravity, but they were clearly full and firm.

Her bottom was equally massive, athletic, her hips swaying outward with all the grandeur worthy of a notoriously fecund species. Not only was hers huge, but round and shapely.

Li Ming cursed his adolescent body with teenage hormones and was forced to use his spiritual energy to cool his young man who was about to grow to a considerable size that betrayed his true age.

"Ah! Thank you!" said the woman, holding her forehead as she tore off several papers with obvious pleasure "I'm sorry you had to see me in this state."

Li Ming simply waved her hands forward and said not to worry. "No. I must apologize for coming without an appointment." He said, showing a calm and cool smile, but not at all arrogant.

She greeted me and said smilingly, "Don't worry. Anyone who wants to do business with me is always welcome," her said before turning to a man at the side of the room, "Chu Ning, go make tea for our guest!"

The man said nothing. He looked at him judiciously before running off like a cockroach.... What? This guy had looked at him like I was some brat who didn't know how big the sky was, so of course he wouldn't treat him well if he tried some mean move against him.

"Anyway, please sit down," she motioned to a sofa, and he nodded and sat down. He took an empty seat in front of a low table. Huyan Ming retired to go refine more pills. "So what can I do for you?" asked Yang Xin.

Li Ming certainly wasted no time before taking from his space ring an object wrapped relatively well in paper before placing it on the table and sliding it slowly toward her. She took it in her hands and took a long inhale through her nose, as if to judge the fragrance.

"This is something I discovered recently. It is very easy to make, quite adaptable and has a very useful property. And before you ask, it's inedible," Li Ming said, calmly and very elegantly sipping a cup of tea that had just been brought in.

Yang Xing dismissed her assistant before returning to the package and looking closely at it "Please open it." he simply nodded in agreement and she gently unwrapped the package to find a solid yellow-gray block.

"What is it?" she asked curiously, feeling it in her hands and enjoying the texture considering how quickly her hands moved over its surface.

"It is a cleaning product. It has the ability to allow oils and water to mix to a certain extent. I call it 'Soap.'"

Who would have thought that he would recreate soap in this fantasy world. Especially to make money from it *Well* After a long reflection Li Ming had thought it was stupid not to use his knowledge of the modern world and rely too much on the techniques of this world when he had many avenues he could take.

And in the end after spending all his wealth of demonic coins on his sword training he decided to earn another source of income while waiting for the value of Zoysia Grass to grow more.