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The boys are on the road with Tommy Cassidy, hit the booze on their flight and get some massages in California. Love youse!


Lagerhead O’Toole

Are you garbage if you did all your Christmas shopping at CVS for the discount items the week after Christmas the previous year?


Are you garbage if you faked a family members death to go on vacation. Claimed to be going to Michigan but actually went to florida for spring break and came back with a noticeable tan.


"I don't talk to you about donuts, don't talk to me about acid" is an all-time line from Tommy C! Also, is it garbage to be a dirt bag from Pennsylvania and have the audacity to refer to anywhere as "the old country"


I feel like every episode where foley taking a bunch of deep breaths, he's tripping face.. am I right? If so, your a fucking space cadet and can really hold your shit