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Hey gang!  Drop your questions here. Let us know if you havent had one read yet (We're working thru everyone!) Thanks for the support.



10 investor. Is it garbage to kill off a family member to miss work. I told my boss my uncle had died from a heart attack and had to go to Michigan for the funeral but I actually went to Miami in March and came back with a serious tan that I could not hide.


Ever call a doctors appointment a reservation?


Never had one read - have you ever been naked on a trampoline or bounce house?


Have you ever had a real gun pointed at you, and is it trashier if it’s loaded or not


10 dollar homie here - never had one read: Are You Garbage if you use an extension cord to plug in a Standing Fan to cool us off OUTSIDE on a hot, humid day? My grandpa is the king of this, middle of summer we'll be outside grilling and he'd pull out a fan to cool him & others off basically in the middle of the yard.


$10 homie, never had one read. Is it garbage to meet family members you didn’t know existed at a funeral because there was a second family/affair that no one was aware of? My mom met her half brother for the first time at her dad’s funeral then took a Xanax nap in the limo


Never had one read. Is it garbage if you eat a pie from the middle out?


Your $10 dollar homie her Micky Smalldickie. Havent had one read. Is it garbage to grow up on Dream Catcher dr but end up working at a grocery store? NOT MY DREAM! and is it garbage that my mom with give all my friends as kids soda in the little Dixie mouthwash cups? It would only hold 2 cubes of ice. Micky Smalldickie

Anne Marie Van Doran

$20 Homie, never had a question read. Do you or anyone in your family (DYOAIYF) say "already" like "are ready" (as one word) ?