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Zombies are invading New York city. Kippy and Foley talkin' guns, ammo and the undead. After surveying the Homies you guys have some pretty solid plans to live out the end of times, so we're gonna need to squad up, love youse!



Foley's unbridled confidence while simultaneously proving his lack of ability will never not amaze me.


I love youse guys BUT, Foley being such a fucking retard makes it damn hard to listen to most of the time. I scream at my phone daily. All praise Saint Kippy.


It's gunna take a zombie apocalypse for foley to finally start losing the lbs


Ok, Toby... this is the third episode you've brought your back up! Give it a rest, will ya? NO pity part or insurance settlement is coming your way, pal!

Fran Martin

Absolutely love youse, love the shout out. To answer some of the questions the water does have automated pumps to keep chlorine an iodine in the tanks keeping the water good to drink, if that fails there's a manual. As for the medical my brother works triage he would be here an yes you would have to continue the show. An Toby idk how ya did it but I did flip my four wheeler last week


Patreon goal, kippy Foley and tbone all get an allotted amount to build a bug out kit at a surplus store or something similar. Then they have to use the supplies to camp overnight somewhere and see how miserable Foley is after one day


Ho-ly-shit! The “Bug Out Bag” challenge is AMAZING!!! Spend two sleeps on your wits and planning alone! FUCK yes!!!

John Smith

Tbone we aren't mobilizing for you bro.

Tinè Pèpè

Does everyone else audio version consistently end while they're doing the goodbyes? Its every epi and seems like Tbone only has the final cut pro trail that limits them to an hour exactly

Cedric Nora

Anyone here from the U.P? & Are y’all sensing some creative tension between Tbone and Foley? It seems like the back and forth had more thought and less talk than normal, with some odd timing moments. Love all youse guys.

Woody the Peckerwood

I hope this ends with the boys building a treehouse

Andy p here

First time long time! Glad there’s a pt 2. You need a boat!!! Kippy the tugboat captain can tow a yacht out to upstate New York for the gang