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Zombies are invading New York city. Kippy and Foley talkin' guns, ammo and the undead. After surveying the Homies you guys have some pretty solid plans to live out the end of times, so we're gonna need to squad up, love youse!


Are You Garbage - How to Survive the End of the World pt. 2

Zombies are invading New York city again. Kippy and Foley talkin' guns, ammo and the undead. After surveying the Homies you guys have some pretty solid plans to live out the end of times, so we're gonna need to squad up, love youse!



I need a new ep boys I’m getting loopy and foley withdrawal


Listening to everyone's apocalypse stash makes me realize that the one guy who has a ton of mouse traps/ ant traps would be a rare commodity. What will everyone do if pests get into the bunker?


Oh my God. When I was a kid I dreamed of a Chip Salad, but I never had the guts to put one together.


Zombie prep kit AR and machete


Homies up bozos down


In all honesty, you bozos are FUCKED if the world ends. Unless one of the homies bails you out, you don't even have a plan for where to get clean water (let alone food and all the other supplies you'd need, Costco notwithstanding). But if the patreon is still around I'll keep pumping in cayush for yous fellas just in case🙏

Eric Parpart

Kippy’s murdering everyone once the chicken tendies start running low.

Woody the Peckerwood

Would love to see AYG guests added to this segment


How haven't these two been cast in an animated film about animals? Never seen a man who looks like a Cartoon squirrel more than Kippy in my life.

Paula Randazzo

you guys are screwed! Foley’s plan is to go to costco! 😂


Make it to Texas. I gotchu