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ATTENTION: The World is Ending and Kippy and Foley are your only hope. Help them prepare for the End of the World by letting us know how the Homies Doomsday Prep! We wanna know what you guys got in your Go Bags and what you would do to save yourselves? Drop your ideas/strategies down below, love youse and good luck


Are You Garbage - How to Survive the End of the World

ATTENTION: The World is Ending and Kippy and Foley are your only hope. Help them prepare for the End of the World by letting us know how the Homies Doomsday Prep! We wanna know what you guys got in your Go Bags and what you would do to save yourselves? Drop your ideas/strategies down below, love youse and good luck


Kippy's Hairline

If i was going to the matreses in my bunker. I'd carry a rifle and a couple light firearms with tons of ammo for the human raiders, but my weapon of choice for zombies would be something blunt that I don't have to reload like a bat or an axe. For supplies, lots of first aid stuff, canned food. Water. Lots and lots of water. Some rope, knives of all sorts, toilet paper and an issue of better homes and gardens for landscape and decor ideas, for when the whole thing blows over, or if I run out of toilet paper. Maybe a Victoria secret catalog. The apocalypse can get lonely


Funny shit I’m never disappointed with these guys

Dilly V

Kippy constantly yelling at Foley to “keep it in reality” while he has admitted not being able to do a pull up is the greatest piece of irony there is. 😂


Man, I'm not even a "prepper" as they say but I've done my fair share of research into survival preparedness over the last 20 years and I can say this with certainty: you bozos are WOEFULLY unprepared if anything were to go down even if it were for a few days🤣🤣 let's just hope that the zombies are running comedy shows during the apocalypse so they have an excuse to keep you around, it's your only fighting chance I'll tell ya that much🤌

Zac Hansen

Best ep, do more doomsday scenarios

Janice Rossi, 2R

How about stay and defend the city you bozos running off with your beach houses and bushels of tampons.

Velvet Mouth

100 lbs ago the would have burned me for heat😆😆😆 I was fat. Still am but way fatter.


Superglue my ass shut!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Elizabeth Hayes

Kippy insisting “live in reality!!” while discussing the apocalypse cracked me up

Magnificent Mustang

“I’d let you live” “Why?” “You love eatin’!” 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣THAT’S how you do it.