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Hey gang we're doing a test of our livestream setup at 7 pm! Going to be mini episode (like 15 minutes) to do a stress test. Would love you guys to jump and check it out if you're around! We will be posting the link in a new post at 7! Thanks and love youse! 



We need refunds or whozit?


Being garbage by complaining about Are You Garbage not starting on time...it's affirmative


Like a Joykoff!!! 😄


Fun test of the live stream. Except for the intro not having sound and a couple moments of lag, it worked great for me. The only two things I’d say is that Toby was saying it should be in 1080p but my max available setting was 720. Now for me, it looked great, just reporting they weren’t getting as high resolution as they were shooting for. Second, the live comments go so fast, I can’t imagine anyone moderating that many during the real show without only seeing spams- which is kind of annoying. Anyway, see you bozos next year!


Youse did great!

Ned Gaganski

Speaking of turkeys.. is it garbage if my mom used to stuff the bird with pre sliced to give it a little more heft? We were hemmed up bad.

Velvet Mouth

Six and one half hours to go!!!