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Judge Ryan has had to recuse himself from this court to enter himself in as a Plaintiff. Foleys Bet is finally over but The Fat Court stops for no one. Lots more to lose, or maybe gain. Love youse!


Are You Garbage - Fat Court: GUILTY!

Judge Ryan has had to recuse himself from this court to enter himself in as a Plaintiff. Foleys Bet is finally over but The Fat Court stops for no one. Lots more to lose, or maybe gain. Love youse!



Love ya buddy but Kevin chicken tender titty Ryan so just clownin homie

Janice Rossi, 2R

Anyone notice that not once since AYG started has Foley ever once said he wanted to lose weight? Duh. You don’t wanna, you’re not gonna. And you might gain to punish those who pushed you.

Janice Rossi, 2R

Alan Carr would not approve of betting as motivation.

Joey Salvage

Please somebody write down the weight figures 😂


The bets should get bigger after you lose a month. So they start at $500, if you lose, month you have to bring in $750. Lose again and you’re at $1000. That’ll sting and makes for great motivation


I’ll sign up for an AYG 5k run let’s fucking gooo