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We are BACK for Season 2. Let's see if the Big Man can do it, the Homies love a redemption arc.


Are You Garbage - Fat Court: Season 2

We are BACK for Season 2. Let's see if the Big Man can do it, the Homies love a redemption arc.


Matthew Weinman

crazy idea, skip meals. period. lol hes past eating healthy. He needs to just skip meals, workout. have some HEART BIG MAN.

Pedro Diaz

ive been watching the vids from the beginning and just recently saw an ep where kippy gets on the boys about their trash.... but kippy got two packs of heaters and a empty water bottle clearly visible right next to him. Looks like hes King of the Bozo's


I for sure am garbage and watching all these back logs I have Kippy and Uncle Hank on my shoulders. One of my shoulders hurt. Hopefully something on that. But they are my conscious now lmfao I don’t hear my own inner monologue now!


How do you guys generate over 30 gihads a month on here,plus live shows and YouTube money and Foley doesn't have $400? This episode has my legitimately worried about the big man! Hang in their Foley. You made it this far in comedy I'm sure you can lose a few LBs


You know you guys are letting people share this to social media an it shares ...prob don't want your content being shared ...an I think you should make it so your video loads on my actual YouTube feed like the king an the sting feed ...