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The boys talk getting healthy and fad diets. Thanks for the support. Love youse guys.


AYG Bonus: Fad Diets

Love youse guys.


Janice Rossi, 2R (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 06:19:02 Working out never helps anyone lose weight. Trust me. I've lost 100 pounds 4 times eating less and working out. And then it returns. With more weight. Then I changed the food and it fell off. Exercise helps keep healthy people healthy. The more you restrict calories and try to burn them away, the more the body fights back. It's gut bacteria, it's the narcotics of wheat and sugar, and it's learning to love food rather than using it as a tool. But it's NOT eat less move more. Thats is a recipe for the body saying NO, if you've been overweight forever. I wish I could help Foley. I see myself in him. So much of the mental and emotional chaos is actually CAUSED by the food itself and how it affects the brain. I wish I could express how it's not his fault--its the food designed to do exactly what it's doing--causing addiction. All food is not the same. And I don't have the degree to prove it--although I did read 42 books on the topic last year.
2023-09-11 15:00:09


Never had one read . Is it garbage to late down and smoke 😅

Slick Rick

Question: Have you ever put big gulp/fast food cups in the dishwasher and added them to the cup rotation?