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You want em, we got em! Kippy and Foley are back with an extended HARD FEELINGS! Its a fun one. Thanks for all the support. Love youse guys.


Hard Feelings - American Express

You want em, we got em!


Trogdor's Jam Band

Behavior therapy isn’t about being in the moment it’s about changing your functional behavior over time. Look into ABA if your actually serious about behavior it’s what science has proved best for any behavior issue


yassss!! love the long ep's

Patty's #1 Fan

Love youse three, ya keep me movin!

Tony Bologna

Hey Guys, Foley would probably be better off being treated by someone who specializes in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). It's also big with treating addicts. The big thing is mindfulness and being in the moment; which is similar to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), Stoicism and Buddhism. Digging up old trauma has people reliving their garbage and often just living as a victim. The functioning memory changes over time and operating with skewed memories IMO is like a dog chasing it's tail.