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Hey gang, just a few updates! First of all shout out to be best listeners in the fucking game. Y'all are the shit. The support from you guys means the world to us. 

 I just added Discord benefits to each tier. To be honest I am not sure how it really works - but some of you have asked about about a community board and that's what Patreon is using now. If someone wants to break it down for me - that would be appreciated!

Also some of you have asked about pledging more - so we added a higher tier.  Please note this is just for people who want to pledge more cuz you hit the lotto or got a slip and fall settlement. Please don't feel obligated to upgrade!

Lastly we are working the Cribs and Pimp my Ride videos. Between family emergencies, Covid scares, and snow storms shit has been tough to schedule. Cant wait for you guys to see them! 

Much love,

Kippy and The Big Man! 



Any updates on when the card games will start shipping out?


Don’t mind spending some of this union money on you boys !!!