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Pecil has the ability to gobble people up with her hair and magically absorb them into a pocket dimension within her body. Pecil's enemy (a scrupcious magical girl who's in the POV) thought if she cut off Pecil's hair that she wouldn't be able to activate her ability. She was wrong, as Pecil reveals that she can use ANY part of her body to absorb her enemies. Pecil summons forth the obscenely large Lady Cock that she can do more than just "Drink" people with . . .

If any of you want more content or a continuation, please be vocal about it. Don't be afraid to put some ideas in my head. 




Cock vore sounds interesting with Pecil at the helm! I vote for more of it, with splooge heavy results!


Definitely wouldn’t mind seeing some cock vore ^^ go for it dude

Arcane Hermit

Cock TF, where the fucked prey is merged/folded into Pecil's shaft as she cums.