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3 stages of Chie getting slimed.

This will slow down movement, seal most physical abilities AND drain HP and MP

You can use "Struggle" to get out of it, but it has a low chance of success. There will be a "BURST" ability to instantly escape, but it can be used sparingly in battle so you can't spam it all the time.

The Webbed state seals most attacks, slows movement, decreases evasiveness, and drains HP but it won't take Chie's last bit of HP.

Bladed weapons will give Chie the ability "Cut Loose" to help her escape most bondage-type states as long as she equips a bladed weapon like the Box Cutter. 

Again struggling is available but it doesn't work to well.

So far the only playable parts is just the two demos involving the Silkwurms you've seen in the videos so far. These two demo Silkwurms have multiple endings depending on weather you defeat them or they defeat you. 

They also function as a tutorial on how the basic gameplay goes so far.

If you're interested in actually PLAYING this small tiny, humble demo, get vocal about it and I'll go ahead and post the demo for you guys.




Demo incoming! Yay!


I want to play the demo please.


Yeeeeeessssss~ Looking forward towards the sliming, and by all means, let that demo be FREE!


yeah, even if it's a little demo, we all want it ^^