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How Chie gets covered with gooey sticky webs in battle against a Silkwurm with a severe lisp. 

This is just a first draft. Changes and improvements will be made. 

Let me know what you think so far. 

-No matter what, I can't quite seem to get Chie's sprite centered where I really want so I went with this design of her for battles to help her fit on the screen better. 


The Butterfly Effect Battle test

This is a simple test of the battle system in the game I'm making. Much polish and refinement required but this is just the first draft. In battles against certain foes, they'll put Chie here in different status effects that can hinder her ability to fight. this is a somewhat comical ending for test purposes.



I'll look more into the centering issue. If you can tell me 'where' you want it, like near the bottom of the text box, I can do that!


Maybe chie seems too small on screen, or the silkwurm is huge...

Kei Waza

I agree I feel that I should shrink the Silkwurm down a bit, but this is just a test run to get things up and going.


Silkwurm so cute!!!