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Man she just stares through your soul...and her boobs crash your party.





Damn! That is a strong Display of Power! Especially with that look she’s giving. Confidence in her form mixed with projecting inadequacy into those smaller than her. That expression is perfectly captured! The WIP is looking great! I especially love how it’s framed! You are able to display the action of what’s happening and the layout of the environment so effectively! The angle of the shot especially is captured amazingly! I especially love how you drew the windows in accordance to the side of her face. It does an effective job showing how close she is with the window and to the guy. That sense of closeness I imagine would not be captured as effectively if the camera shot was from the viewer’s perspective (i.e. in front of us). So this is a really good choice of angle and framing to accomplish that closeness and looming presence to come off as intimidating! I also love how you are able to capture both a sense of distant and near presence with both panels. The way she is behind the windows vs her chest bursting through the walls. It’s a wonderful combination of displaying impersonal and personal interaction happening all at once to give two different reactions to what is happening. All accomplished with your linework. That is very impressive! I didn't notice this till after I made the comment, but the button being launched out and the path it made. Quite subtle with the launch, but that's a nice detail added. Makes the feel of force and power more poignant to the immersion. Really nice! Great stuff as always! I don't know what the 'toy' is in this scenario, but I like the implication. Haha. Keep up the great work!