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 I wanted to say I sorry for the wait on some of the images o here I have.   The truth is after the issues with my car being stolen, my computer  blowing up the week before and trying to find a new place to live which  has been complete fail so far. I kinda fell into a depression funk.  I  haven't been able to make enough money for donations and work to get my  car replaced so it's been really rough try to coupe with getting  around.  I basally had to make a dramatic change to everything.  I  haven't been as productive as I should be, that's what I'm sorry about.

I'll  be getting back to things this up coming week and really pushing it.  I  should have been doing this in the first place but you just lose sight  of things sometimes.

Thanks for being so patient and I'll have updates for and images soon!




You've been dealt a very bad hand. That is hard on anyone. I will try to find a way to increase awareness about your situation


keep on keeping on man, best of luck