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Quinn telling Rachel that she’s too big for Lima and belongs on Broadway or LA, while Quinn was stuck being a Lima loser was heartbreaking. Come on Quinn. You can get out of Ohio if you want to. I honestly think ‘Trouty Mouth’ was Santana lashing out because she’s angry. Maybe she’s still mad about what happened at Rachel’s party when Sam kissed Brittany. Whatever you think of ‘Trouty Mouth’ you gotta admit that Tina’s piano was hot. Change the lyrics to that of a torch song and it could be really good.

leslie martin

i'm sorry but rachel and santana are hilarious with those songs! i love the song that kurt and blaine sang together but their voices... i was never a fan of their voices together but this one was really bad... i don't know what happened but they don't go together at all imo! as you said i think it has to do with kurt's voice... i'm not the biggest fan of his voice tbh, i know he sings good and has an amazing range, but that's not really my favorite... i loved raise your glass, get it right (i think that's a really mature song to write from rachel! like that) and loser like me! (it's fun and back then it really was an anthem)