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The video has been moved to the collection. The collection is pinned to the top of the Patreon page.




I wanna see more of gemutagan getting milked


Loving it, also quite a fan of seeing drone and latex. i hope to see more of that in the future!


Love the smoothness of everything overall <3


Love it


Incredible job! Thanks for giving us amazing content.

Darck'tan Damian

Excellent work, the only thing that was missing were voice actors, I hope that in the long term it will also be implemented in the rest of the previous animations.


Well that was much needed for this video, great job. Much better than the last VA’d video. Given that the video was done before all the voice acting was finished, it’s understandable there would be a desync with the mouth movements. But I can look past that. VA’s did a great job. Lizards were voiced well as was the tiger lady and shaddi. Tiberius had all of 3 lines and instantly made me want more voiced videos with him… Amelia could use a bit more of a commanding presence in her voice though. She needs a bit more menace to feel like a true queen in this kind of world to me. Even after all of that, I wouldn’t mind if you looked at doing 2 month projects if you kept the voice acting. Would give you time to sync it all up and be less stressful to keep to a deadline. Seen a few artists stop because a monthly schedule can be a pain to maintain.


Amazing work! You never disappoint. Such high quality. Loved the voice acting too.


you got cottontail and bordeau for this im in heaven. i just want to say that even tho im not into all the kink in this, it so well animated and nice that i like it no matter what


Can you tell us how long the next vid will be?

Heru Solares

5 Days. I can hardly wait. Will the new video include sounding or mind control?


There will be no dialogue in the new video. Voice acting and mind control will be available.