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Hi all! I added professional voice actors for the eighth scene of the third act. 




Heru Solares

Sounds promising, but I prefer only the subtitles. Can't wait for tomorrow!


I was worried about adding voice acting to these. I kind of liked the subtitles because they could have any sound I imagined. But, it came out good!


Tomorrow there will be a video without voice actors. Now I'm trying to figure out if you like the voice acting. Future videos will be voiced by actors if you like this voice acting. Maybe I shouldn't remove the subtitles?

Djin Raccoon

I think the voice acting is good and the next logical step to your animations. I think that you should probably keep the subtitles tough or have a subtitles option for these animations. I also think you could boost the levels of the voices. Right now, it's a little difficult to hear with the music playing in the background as well.


I will try to make all the changes you suggested as soon as possible.

Akari Haize

Keeping subtitles or have them as options is good. Specially for non native english speakers that sometimes couldn't grasp some words with the accents.


To me the audio mixing was a little off… the voices we’re almost drowned out by the music at some points and honestly it felt like the actors might have been struggling to sync with the characters already established lip movements, making the performances sound a little stale… I’m eager to see more but I’d recommend capturing the voices before animating, gives the actors more freedom to express themselves in the role. I love your work and I can’t wait to see more. Just being open and honest with hopes that maybe this’ll help future projects.


First of all, love your work. Truly A grade stuff! And I was interested in listening to the voiced characters. Well at 39 seconds in and... well Amelia sounded muffled and in the background. 58 seconds in and again there is a very softened voicing of the character. A little too soft and the music was coming over the top of the voice work unfortunately. Sounded like she was talking with her voice muffled by something. It was a good attempt. Still love the animation which is beautifully erotic. Soundscape of the music was awesome too. An interesting thing was the voice work of the femboy cum donators moaning was sharper and more distinctive than the voicing of Amelia. Why this is I don't know. Different microphones maybe? Equalization issue? Something to play with in future endeavors. And I think that is why there is the request for the subtitles.

Heru Solares

Maybe a version with only subtitles, and another with voice/subtitles.


Fantastic, as stated before the volume mixing needs some tweaking. Other than that, good job!


I hope there will be version without voice acting for next videos.


Key isn’t working for me


Difficult to understand what was being said in this video, even with volume all the way up. I think dialogue would be a great permanent addition if you cast the right actors (subtitles as an option would be great too). Great work


Overall I am a fan. Some mixing work could be done to not overpower the voice over with the background music and sound effects, but I think the addition of voiced lines is a plus.


Any new animation this month?


Also think some videos have the sound effects drowned out by music I noticed it most in act 3 bonus scene 1 but it happens in some others too. Your work is still great keep it up.


Might want to work on the sound. Music is too loud, and I can barely hear what they're saying.


I worked on the sound and brought back the subtitles


For a first attempt, not bad at all. Audio mixing could use work. Also difficult for VA's to match existing work but they did a good job. Personally found Liliths voice "off" to me. Thought of her in my headcannon having a slightly deeper, sultry voice can can change to menace quickly when she asks tiberious "when did you forget yours?". Personal taste. Seeing your development in quality from even a year ago, you'll get the voice acting more fleshed out if you continue.