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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun 입니다 

완성하는게 꽤나 오래 걸렸네요 ㅠㅠ

대신 이번에는 바리에이션이 평소보다는 조금 많은 편입니다 

특히 이번에는 처음부터 임신한 모습을 염두해 두고 그림을 구상해서 그런지 평소보다 임신이 자연스럽게 그려진것 같습니다 

그리고 피부의 셀룰라이드 같은 표현이 잘 그려진것 같아 아주 만족스럽습니다 

그럼 여러분들 그림 즐감하세요 다음 그림은 포켓몬스터의 릴리에 입니다 

릴리에는 좀 날씬한 스타일로 갈것 같은데 아무래도 성인버전으로 그릴것 같습니다 

개인적으로는 엄마쪽이 좀더 취향입니다만은 릴리에도 나쁘지는 않은것 같습니다 

그럼 다음 그림도 기대해 주시고요 여러분들 모두 좋은밤 되세요 

감사합니다 XD

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

It took quite a long time to complete.

However, this time there are a little more variations than usual.

In particular, this time, I think the pregnancy was drawn more naturally than usual, perhaps because I designed the picture with pregnancy in mind from the beginning.

And I am very satisfied that the cellulite-like expression of the skin is depicted well.

So, everyone, enjoy the picture. The next picture is Lillie from Pokémon.

I think I'll go with a slimmer style for Lily, but I think I'll draw her as an adult version.

Personally, I prefer the mother's side, but I don't think it's bad for Lily either.

Well, please look forward to the next picture. Have a good night, everyone.

Thank you XD






I first paid attention to you when I saw your painting of St. Louis.glad you drew her again


Thank you so much for liking this picture of yours. I think it's worth drawing :)

Dart Feld

An older lily? Not bad. I definitely wish to see her mother some day