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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun입니다 

갑자기 감기에 걸리는 바람에 그림의 완성이 늦어지고 있네요 ㅠㅠ

지금 워낙 기침이 심해서 계획보다 그림이 좀 간소화 되었습니다 

기본 그림은 완성을 했고 바리에이션만 그리면 됩니다 아마도 내일 저녁때 까지는 완성해서 올릴 수 있을것 같습니다 

그리고 11월 패키지는 자고 일어나서 새벽에 배포 하도록 하겠습니다 

가능하면 지금 업로드 해서 배포하고 싶은데 너무 피곤해서 조금 쉬어야될것 같습니다 ㅠㅠ

그럼여러분들 남은 하루 잘 마무리 하시고요 여러분들은 환절기에 건강 조심하셔서 저처럼 고생하는 일이 없으셨으면 합니다 

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

The completion of the painting is being delayed due to a sudden cold.

Since I'm coughing so much right now, the drawing is a bit more simplified than I planned.

I've completed the basic drawing, I just need to draw the variation. I think I'll probably be able to complete it and upload it by tomorrow evening.

And we will wake up and distribute the November package early in the morning.

If possible, I'd like to upload and distribute it now, but I'm so tired that I think I need to rest a bit.

Well then, everyone, finish the rest of your day well. I hope you take care of your health during the change of seasons and don't suffer like I did.




Don't worry, healthy is more important. I wish you speedy recovery, Janggun. Take care.


Take your time and get better! Illya looks great too!


Thank you for your concern. Still, it seems a little better than yesterday.


Thank you and Illya, please look forward to the finished version :)