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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun 입니다 

어제는 병원 외래진료도 있었고 보험금 청구도 하고나니 하루가 다 갔네요

의사의 말로는 아직 100%치료된게 아니라 병이 재발할 수 도 있으니 가능한 자극이 적은 음식으로 적은양만 먹으라고 하네요 

그래서 입맛도 없고 해서 굶었더니 배가고파서 계속 잤습니다 

덕분에 패키지 배포가 많이 늦어졌네요 ㅠㅠ

진짜로 밥을 못먹거나 그림을 그리는데 지장이 있을정도로 컨디션이 안 좋은것은 아닌데 혹시나 재발하지 않을까 하는 두려움때문에 잘 못먹었던것 같아요

아마 그것때문에 약간 트라우마가 생긴것 같습니다 

그래도 오늘은 아침에 일어나서 약간의 식사와 약을 먹었더니 한결 좋아진것 같습니다 

그리고 지금은 다음그림인 칼리오페 모리를 구상중인데 아마 내일중으로 프리뷰를 업로드 할 수 있을것 같습니다 

다행이도 포즈에관한 꽤 괜찮은 자료를 얻었는데 그리기 전부터 느낌이 꽤 좋네요 

이느낌을 완성할때가지 유지해서 좋은 그림이 그려졌으면 좋겠습니다 

그럼 여러분들 다음 그림도 기대해 주시고 좋은 하루 보내세요 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Yesterday, there was an outpatient treatment at the hospital, and after I filed an insurance claim, the whole day passed.

According to the doctor, it is not yet 100% cured, and the disease may recur, so it is recommended to eat only a small amount of food with as little stimulation as possible.

So I starved because I had no appetite, so I continued to sleep because I was hungry.

Thanks to that, the package distribution has been delayed a lot.

I'm not really in such a bad condition that I can't eat or draw, but I think I didn't eat well because I was afraid that it might recur.

Maybe that's why it's a bit traumatic.

But today, after waking up in the morning and taking some food and medicine, I feel much better.

And now I'm thinking of the next painting, Calliope Mori, and maybe I'll be able to upload a preview tomorrow.

Fortunately, I got pretty good data on poses, and I feel pretty good before drawing.

I hope to keep this feeling until I complete it so that a good picture can be drawn.

Then everyone, please look forward to the next drawing and have a nice day :)




Hope you get well soon Janggun. When I was sick in January with gastric and digestive issue, eating was also hard. I felt bloated all the time. Try to eat small amount of light food. Food that is easy to digest. Maybe some fish porridge. And eat very very small amount throughout the day not big meal. Trust your doctor advice what they ask you to eat


Thank you. I'm taking the doctor's advice now, and I'm eating a little bit of non-irritating foods as much as possible :)