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안녕하세요 여러분 janggun 입니다 

아야네를 완성했습니다 

예전에 doa를 플레이 할때 아야네와 카스미가 메인 캐릭터 였는데 이번기회에 그리게 되었네요

사실 이번 아야네는 처음에 구상할때 좋은 아이디어가 떠오르지 않아서 그냥 무난하게 그라비아 느낌으로 그렸습니다 

특히 피부의 광택 은 제가 잘 그리지 못해서 지금까지 잘 그리지 않았다가 이번에 다시 도전해 봤는데 느낌이 괜찮네요 

앞으로 종종 그려봐야겠습니다 

나중에 카스미도 한번 그릴 기회가 있었으면 좋겠네요 

그럼 즐감하시고 다음 그림도 기대해 주세요 

그리고 이번달의 패키지는 30저녁에 에서 1일 새벽쯤에 배포할 예정이니 참고하세요 

감사합니다 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

I finished Ayane

When I used to play doa, Ayane and Kasumi were the main characters, but I drew them this time.

Actually, I didn't come up with a good idea when I first conceived this Ayane, so I just drew it with a gravure feel.

In particular, I wasn't good at drawing skin gloss, so I haven't been able to draw it well until now, but I tried it again this time, and it feels good.

I will draw more often in the future

I hope I have a chance to draw Kasumi in the future.

So enjoy and look forward to the next picture.

Also, please note that this month's package will be distributed from the evening of the 30th to the early morning of the 1st.

thank you :)






Awesome fantastic work with Ayane! Love the outfits too! Hope to see Kasumi from you too!


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it I hope to have a chance to draw Kasumi in the future :)

ShadowGlamour (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-23 11:01:03 I love DOA so much! And Ayane is by far my favorite. Something about her short purple hair and brattiness make her irresistible ❤️ and I love the outfits you put her in. I hope you keep doing more DOA girls - they're all beautiful in-game, your drawings bring them to life in a brand new way❤️
2023-07-02 17:00:48 I love DOA so much! And Ayane is by far my favorite. Something about her short purple hair and brattiness make her irresistible ❤️ and I love the outfits you put her in. I hope you keep doing more DOA girls - they're all beautiful in-game, your drawings bring them to life in a brand new way❤️

I love DOA so much! And Ayane is by far my favorite. Something about her short purple hair and brattiness make her irresistible ❤️ and I love the outfits you put her in. I hope you keep doing more DOA girls - they're all beautiful in-game, your drawings bring them to life in a brand new way❤️


I'm glad you like it. I hope I have a chance to draw many doa pictures in the future