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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun입니다 

아야네의 프리뷰 입니다 

요즘 외이도염에 걸리는 바람에 프리뷰를 올리는게 많이 늦어졌습니다 ㅠㅠ

지금은 어느정도 통증은 가셨는데 귀속이 막혀서 좀 먹먹한 느낌입니다 

그것때문에 그림을 그리는데 영 집중이 잘 안되기도 하네요 ㅠㅠ

그래도 다행히 컨디션이 안좋은 상태에서 그렸는데 아야네의 얼굴이 이미지에 맞게 잘 그려진것  같습니다 

경험상 얼굴이 아주 중요해서 얼굴이 잘 그려져야지 완성본의 퀄리티도 좋더라고요

그럼 기운을 차려서 최대한 빨리 완성하도록 노력하겠습니다 완성본 기대해 주세요 

여러분들 남은 주말 잘 보내세요 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This is Ayane's preview.

I've been suffering from otitis externa lately, so it's been a long time since I've uploaded a preview.

Now the pain is gone to some extent, but I feel a little stuffy because my ears are blocked.

Because of that, I can't concentrate very well while drawing.

Fortunately, I drew it in a bad condition, but I think Ayane's face was drawn well according to the image.

In my experience, the face is very important, so the face has to be drawn well, so the quality of the finished product is good.

Then I will try to get my energy up and complete it as soon as possible. Please look forward to the finished product.

Have a good weekend everyone :)




Ayane looks great, her face is pretty! Excited to see the finished result. Hope you get better!