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이번 그림은 생각보다 잘 그려져서 만족 스럽습니다 

다음 그림은 원신의  모나 입니다 

이미 러프는 정해져서 스케치 까지는 빠르게 그릴수 있을것 같습니다 

완성해 봐야 알겠지만 러프스케치는 느낌이 좋네요 

스케치가 완성되면 올리도록 하겠습니다 

기대해 주세요 

그리고 오늘내로 아이디어들을 정리해서 투표를 시작할 예정이니 

많은 참여 부탁드립니다 


*이 그림은 8월달의 보상중 하나로 9월 3일까지 링크가 유지 됩니다



This painting is better than I expected and I am satisfied

The following picture is Mona from genshin impact

The rough has already been decided, so I think I will be able to draw quickly until the sketch.

I'll have to finish it to know, but the rough sketch feels good.

I'll post the sketch when it's done

Please look forward to

And within today, I plan to organize my ideas and start voting.

We look forward to your involvement


*This picture is one of the rewards of the month of August and the link is maintained until September 3




Looks great! Love it 😀. I really like the way you paint. Would it be possible to show the process of how you work? 🤔


thank you :) and the work process I'll think about how to show you


Love how detailed your painting is! I can zoom in and really appreciate it. :) I like the ones with pubic hair too, very natural-looking for Juri. Looking forward to your next girls - Lady (DMC), Sadayo (P5), and Sakura (SF) are my picks though they're not as popular. Maybe I'll see them one day... Maybe in a situation they don't like :P Thanks for your work!


These are my favorite characters too :) I hope your favorite characters can be chosen