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7월달의 투표 입니다

투표 기간은 일주일 입니다 많은 참여 바랍니다 

그리고 다음 보상은 내일 저녁쯤 완성될것 같습니다 

계속 예상한 일정보다 하루나 이틀씩 늦어지네요 ㅜ.ㅜ

계속 이렇게 되면 이번달 보너스 보상인 tamaki도 8월달 초에나 

완성 할 수 있을것 같습니다 ㅜ.ㅜ


This is the POLL of the month of July

The voting period is one week. Please participate a lot.

And the next reward is expected to be completed tomorrow evening.

I keep getting delayed by a day or two from my expected schedule TT.TT

If the schedule continues to be delayed, this month's bonus reward, tamaki, can be completed around the beginning of August. ㅜ.ㅜ


Dart Feld

Attachment not found?


The candidate picture in the body was uploaded incorrectly as an attachment. so i fixed it


Hahaha, everyone seems to like "persona 5"


Because the style and story of "persona 5" seems to be really good, sharp and gentle


It's just like your style. It's like you


I voted Shamir but I'm so happy many people voted for Hifumi from Persona 5. She was my other choice.


When I play Persona 5 In the first round, we aimed to achieve 100% co-op. So I looked at the strategy book. Unfortunately, there was no co-op strategy book after Kimoshita. So I haven't been able to play since. So I didn't see this character I like the character design though.


There's still a lot of voting time left, but it looks like she's likely to be elected. Congratulations


헉 투표놓쳤었넹 아쉽 ㅠㅠ


매달 15일부터 일주일간 아이디어 모집하니 참고하세요