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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

마키마와 덴지의 스케치가 끝났습니다

원래 땋은 머리가 마키마의 특징입니다만 리퀘스트를 요청하신 분이 풀은 머리카락을 보고 싶다고 하셔서

이렇게 그려봤습니다

체인소우맨의 그림스타일이 워낙 개성이 강해서 그 느낌을 내는것이 꽤나 어려웠습니다

그래서 스케치를 완성하는데 생각보다 조금 더 시간이 걸린것 같습니다

그래도 전체적인 느낌은 꽤 괜찮게 그려진것 같습니다

색칠하면서 조금수정해야 될 부분이 있기는 하지만 이번 그림도 꽤 만족스러운 퀄리티로 완성될것 같습니다

그럼 여러분들 이 그림의 완성본도 기대해 주시고요 그림에 진척이 생기면 중간보고 삼아 한번더 올리도록 하겠습니다

그럼 여려분들 좋은하루 되세요


Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Makima and Denji's sketches are finished.

Originally, braided hair was Makima's characteristic, but the person who requested the request said he wanted to see the hair pulled down.

I drew it like this

Chainsaw Man's drawing style is so unique that it was quite difficult to create that feeling.

So I think it took a little longer than I thought to complete the sketch.

Still, the overall feeling seems to be drawn pretty well.

Although there are some parts that need to be corrected while coloring, I think this drawing will be completed with quite satisfactory quality.

Well, everyone, please look forward to the finished version of this painting. If the painting progresses, I will post it again as an interim report.

Well, have a nice day, everyone.

thank you




Makima x Denji LEWDS

Please we need a version without her shirt (it's covering up her ass) and please remove her shoes. I want to see her naked foot this time since in your other Makima drawing she was wearing shoes as well.