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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun입니다

이번 그림은 스케치가 많이 늦었네요

이번에 스케치가 늦은 이유는 뭔가 특별한 일이 있어서는 아니고요

순수하게 그림이 안그려져서 늦어지게 되었습니다

첫번째컷은 앉아있는 포즈가 너무 안그려져서 삼일동안 그렸다 지웠다를 반복 했습니다

생각해보면 일상적으로 자연스럽게 하는 행동들에 관해서 별로 그리지 않다보니 생각보다 너무 어려웠습니다 ㅜㅜ

오히려 두번째 컷은 오늘 새벽에 시작해서 빨리 완성되가고 있습니다 그래도 일단 어려운 고비는 넘겼으니 최대한 빨리 완성할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다

그럼 스케치가 완성되면 다시한번 올리도록 하겠습니다

그럼 여러분들 오늘도 좋은 하루 되세요

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

The sketch for this painting is very late.

The reason the sketch is late this time isn't because there's anything special going on.

It was delayed purely because the picture wasn't drawn.

In the first cut, the sitting pose was so difficult to draw that I drew and erased it repeatedly for three days.

When I think about it, it was a lot more difficult than I thought because I don't really draw things that we do naturally on a daily basis.

Rather, the second cut started early this morning and is being completed quickly. However, since we have overcome the difficult hurdle, we will try to complete it as quickly as possible.

Then, I will post it again when the sketch is completed.

Well then, everyone, have a nice day today.



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