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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun 입니다

다크니스를 완성했습니다

원래 어제까지 올리려고 했는데 컨디션 난조로 하루종일 잠만 잤더니 그림을 거의 못그렸습니다 ㅠㅠ

그림을 많이 그렸더니 피고해서 컨디션 난조가 찾아온건 아니고요, 식단조절을 하지 못해서 혈당이 올라서 그렇습니다 ㅠㅠ

덕분에 처음에 약속드렸던 바리에이션을 다 그리지 못했서 여러분들께 너무 죄송스럽습니다

그리고 그림을 완성하고 보니 퀄리티가 생각보다 만족 스럽네요

사실 개인적으로는 스케치단계에서는 그림이 그다지 마음에 안들습니다

이젓저것 고민하다 결국은 시간에 쫒겨서 그린 스케치라 베스트 상태의 스케치는 아니었습니다

그래서 좋은 퀄리티로 완성할 자신이 없었는데 생각외로 좋은 퀄리티로 완성이 된것 같습니다

아마도 컬러링 실력이 예전보다 조금 올라간것 때문에 그렇것 같습니다

최근들어 자극이 되는 좋은 그림을 본 탓도 있고요

계속 이렇게 꾸준히 좋은 퀄리티로 완성 되었으면 좋겠습니다

그럼 여러분들 완성작 감상하시고 다음 그림도 기대해 주세요

다음 그림은 로스트 아크의 에키드나 입니다

그럼 여러분들 주말 잘 보내시길 바랍니다

빠른 시간안에 다음 그림의 스케치와 함께 찾아 뵙겠습니다

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Darkness completed

I was originally going to upload it until yesterday, but due to poor health, I slept all day and couldn't draw much.

It's not that I'm in bad shape because I drew a lot and got tired, but it's because I couldn't control my diet and my blood sugar went up.

Thanks to you, I'm so sorry to everyone that I wasn't able to draw all the variations I promised at first.

And after completing the painting, I am more satisfied with the quality than I expected.

Actually, personally, I don't like the picture that much at the sketch stage.

I ended up drawing this sketch because I was pressed for time after thinking about this and that, so it wasn't the best sketch.

So I wasn't confident that I could complete it with good quality, but I think it was completed with better quality than expected.

I think it's probably because my coloring skills have improved a bit compared to before.

It's also because I recently saw a good picture that stimulated me.

I hope it continues to be completed with good quality like this.

So, please enjoy the finished work and look forward to the next picture.

The next picture is Echidna from Lost Ark.

Well, I hope you all have a good weekend.

I will come back with a sketch of the next picture as soon as possible.






This post is not under tier2


Thank you for letting me know. There was an error while uploading and I think the settings were incorrect. I've fixed it now


Wow her eyes are really pretty and her boobs are super sexy!