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Happy February everyone! The month of LOOOOVE.

It's time for the monthly request suggestions!!

For those new to this, here is how it works:

- You may suggest any character that is my own, in media, or belongs to someone else, but not your own.

- If someone else's character is suggested, I MUST have permission from that individual.
- If you see a suggestion you like, please respond with a 'like/heart' to said comment.
- I will take the highest supported suggestions, as well as possible ideas of my own, to place into a poll!

Each tier $5+ has a respective number of times they can vote.

Every tier will have their own poll! Higher tiers will have access to lower-tier polls, meaning the higher your pledge tier the more polls you can vote on! Equaling more weight/vote power.
This way I will have an easier time tallying up all votes.

Before people were splitting up their vote powers amongst many different ideas, and it was just making it far too confusing trying to tally people up.

Make sense? I hope so!
If not, just drop me a question here and I'll be happy to answer!




Revisiting that previous idea with Maleficent and the prince would be fun to see! Never enough of that villain dragon


Charizard with a belly full of squirming low level pikachus enjoying the tingly sensation of them emitting electricity while squirming