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Greetings world builders!

Just a quick service announcement about Foundry VTT (and the issues I bet lots of you are having) -

Foundry recently updated to V11, which has some really great features. The problem here multiple, though.

- No Foundry packs (/scenes, etc) that have been created before V11 will work on V11 (meaning - if you update to V11, none of your content will work). This is a worldwide issue. 

- Packs/scenes that are created to work with V11 WON'T work on any installation below that. So if you don't update to V11, there will be content you cannot use.

I've been talking with my team and we're currently deciding how to play this. Whether we convert all packs to work with V11 (this is also a bunch of work, but doable), or whether we hold off until the release is stable and more folk have upgraded to V11. I'm tempted to just go for it and make everything compatible with V11, the issue here though is that it will make the packs broken for anyone who doesn't upgrade to V11...

Any ideas welcome here :)

Ollie (Moonlight Maps)



Thaks for your viewpoints, everyone! Really good thoughts across the board. Everything should be compatible for both V10 (etc) and V11 now - with prompts for updates IF you want to. New maps will be V11 core, but I'm discussing with the team as to our options for making them compatible below V11 also...plenty of issues to work out :) I'll do a new post soon with a formal update, so you can see where we're at


I come with a resolve... sort of, since the maps are not on the Foundry Admin. Since there's a lot of content that has not updated to v10(not to mention v11), have at least up until the release of v12, both in tandem. v10 and v11. I am saying this, as I am a PF2e player, and our system has not currently updated to v11(Currently in Beta) not to mention the plethora of other modules that most of us use for QoL, I do have some knowledge with Foundry VTT and if anything I am willing to provide assistance into porting to v11 as a volunteer. Please keep the V9/10 a while longer please. (V9 versions work with v10). I know there will be some strain on the dropbox folders, as size will be a factor as you will have quite a bit of duplicates. Coming back a bit, Foundry Admin does have the possibility of providing a specific version for the Foundry that is active. But git-hubs need to be set up for each map individually. So that can simplyfy things, as well as, having the maps located via search, but due to patreon being a factor for Fvtt access. There might be some of a bit more extra set up.


That's awesome! So glad you took feedback and went this route. Keep killing it MM!