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"This place has been empty for what feels like hundreds of years. Cobwebs bigger than you could have imagined line the walls. Corpses cocooned, long dead, line every crack and crevice. Nothing more than bone and armour. The riches you seek are said to lie across the bridge of Melkor, made up of shards jutting from the mountain itself, but your team stay weary. One of the group approaches the bridge with a sudden confidence. A small yet courageous Halfling that you do not know too well. He walks with a brave stride across the bridge, until he gets about half way. That is when the huge rock arm slams down around him, grabbing him and taking him up above into the darkness. The bridge is heavily damaged. His scream ends with a sudden "crack" up above. Then the creature shows itself; A huge rock formation-turned-troll with a long toothy head slowly reaches towards you."

Greetings world builders!

Welcome to the Crystal Bridge!
A treacherous escape route, or a Dwarven mining colony. The choice is yours.

10 custom maps including - Astral, blue magic, chasm, crystal, eldritch, hell, ice, lava, purple and rock! As well as a FoundryVTT-ready pack with pre-built walls, dynamic lighting, and ambient sounds!  What will you use it for?

Moonlight Encounter - Crystal Hunt is a 3rd level encounter. A simple fetch mission...or is it...?

18x22 - gridded and gridless (for all tiers)

  • Surveyors get the Crystal Bridge (gridded and gridless)
  • Cartographers get the Crystal Bridge in all 10 versions including - Astral, blue magic, chasm, crystal, eldritch, hell, ice, lava, purple and rock!
  • Moonlight Archivists get the map pack with all versions, a FoundryVTT-ready pack with pre-built walls, dynamic lighting, and ambient sounds, as well as a bespoke Moonlight Encounter made especially for this map!

Moonlight Archivist images below -

Happy gaming!



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