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Greetings World Builders!

To save you scrolling through endless pages looking for the map you want, I have set up archives for you to easily find the maps you're looking for.

So here's a reminder for existing patrons, and an alert for the new ones :)

Moonlight Archive

This is the Moonlight Archive (a master archive if you like, and a good one to bookmark) - in here you'll find links to everything you'll be looking for like maps, master tier archives, and the FoundryVTT archive etc

Master Post Archives (get your rewards all in one place)

These are the master posts for your tiers. Each one contains every map pack attached as a zip file, so you can download them much quicker then going to individual posts. (I recommend bookmarking your tier archive)

Foundry VTT

This is the archive for all of the Foundry VTT packs (and will be the home of other VTT platform packs, coming soon), they are all attached to this post and this is where new Foundry packs will be added.

Foundry VTT Packs

I hope that saves you all some time!

Happy gaming!


Niilo Franska

Brilliant! Thank you :)