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"Dust rains down as you open the huge creaking doors. Ancient wood crumbles and webs snap. As your eyes adjust you see a huge throne room in ruin. The stale air fills your lungs. 'Who goes?' A voice echoes through the darkness. You are about to answer as red lights fill the braziers down the hall." 

Greetings world builders!
This week I welcome you to the Ruined Throne! A once wealthy, opulent, kingdom now fallen to ruin. What will your party discover or face here?

17x22 (25x30 full image) - gridded and gridless (for all tiers)

  • Surveyors get the Ruined Throne (gridded and gridless)
  • Scribes get the Ruined Throne in day and night versions (gridded and gridless)
  • Moonlight Archivists get the Ruined Throne in all versions including - non-ruined versions with lit and unlit braziers, throne window light, red and green magic in ruin and modern versions, and more.

Moonlight Archivist images below - 

Happy gaming!

- Moonlight Maps



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