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Build your own streets!

"A bell overhead jingles as you step through the door. 'Can I 'elp yeh?' the raspy voice of an old crone cuts through the dusty, still, air. You stumble over a pile of random wares which topple over as you make your way to the counter 'Ahk, don't worry 'bout that old mess down there. What can I get yeh?"

Greetings world builders!

This week I welcome you to the General Store!
A low-end trader stocking various wares to help your party (and general townsfolk) carry on with their daily business.

Give your party a shop to barter, RP, or be attacked in. Give your wonderfully wacky general traders a home to make their own.

15x14 - gridded and gridless (for all tiers)

  • Surveyors get the General Store in a town setting
  • Scribes get the General Store in a town setting at both daylight and night time.
  • Cartographers get the map pack with all versions.
  • Moonlight Archivists get the General Store in both town and country settings, with 8 variations of lighting from unlit to daylight sunbeams, and night-time lit backroom to fully lit store. As well as 6 versions of the General Store as a cutout building, so you can place it on any maps that you like and make your own streets for your party to explore! As well as a FoundryVTT-ready pack with pre-built walls and ambient dynamic lighting!

Moonlight Archivist images below -

Happy gaming!

- MM



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