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Greetings world builders!

Looking at the next month or so, which areas should I make maps for? Where are you in your campaigns? Where are you heading?

I've put a selection below, but please add your own ideas in the comments!

You are in charge, where should we go?

- Moonlight Maps



There's a big, icy cave system in my near future, deep within a mountain. Druid / cleric cultists are ritualistically summoning and sacrificing fire elementals in an open invitation for a frost god to arrive and usher in a new ice age. B I G ice caverns incoming ha


That's an awesome story hook!! Frozen caves and caverns huh, lots of ice. That sounds like something I can work into the plan!! Bigger than 25x25?


We're in a port town at the moment but I do like a good mountain map :)


Everyone needs a port map, it's on my list for 'one day' haha, I need more days in the week!! Have you got the Cliff Pass pack I made? There's a few more mountain maps in the pipeline too 😊🌙