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Capitana Bikini, sera un jefe muy difícil a vencer, aunque sera completamente opcional. Este jefe no estará en esta versión porque la historia de Elena es muy grande, pero sera incluida en la siguiente versión. 

Captain Bikini, you will be a very difficult boss to win, even if it will be completely optional. This boss will not be in this version because Elena's story is very large, but it will be included in the next version. 



Interesante la villana y se podra capturarla como esclava sexual?

Pedro MG

Jajjaja no man, soy un fanatico de marvel y escogista a la ms marvel xD, man esto es epico. Espero qje tenga escenas eroticas tambien lol


she looks good, curious ot see how she plays into elena's tale


Side thought, i wonder what you have in store for the MC power wise, like will he stay at human levels of power and or abilities, or will something mystical happen to him to give him a little step up, if you will?

Breon Flowers

think i'm gonna wait a while till everything looks and feels better before i hop back on this game.


Bug: For working out in the morning it give you only 25 points instead of the stated 50 for strength


How is the additional translator working out for u guys?

Pedro MG

Alguna novedad del desarrollo?

