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 Importante actualización, en el sistema de batalla al llegar al nivel 24, se producía un error en el combate, que sacaba al jugador de la escena de batalla. 

 Important update, in the battle system when reaching level 24, there was an error in combat, which took the player out of the battle scene. 

 Download FixBug BGR 1.1-5  Here 



Hola Leo, te quería decir que en apkgamers.org hay una versión para Android, pero con fallos como los mini juegos en que hay que presionar espacio en el punto verde, pero pienso que te podrías apoyar de esa versión

Alonzo Bonds

Leocid i like the game i really do but when you added something thing that gives you random stats and money its horrible i was close to buyong the dress for sophia and all of a sudden after class i pay 600 for the car battery and the next day i loose 4500 dollers for some bullshit this games turns to shit in a heart beat fix this please befor i break something its pissing me off


That lucky box mini game is broken. Chances to win is extremely low, just let us buy the outfits. Thanks


I got a question about the "old" version of the game. Where is Alexia´s and Miranda´s room?? I just can´t find it in the mansion :(


when I get to the principal in starting of the game it stops working.

Alonzo Bonds

I dont know why i thought playing it with a new game would change a thing in this god forsaking game first it was $-500 then $-1000 now its $-5000 im deleting this game off my computer and redownloading the original game because that game was more fun and better i might redownload this game only and IF ONLY you guys either get rid of the random stats bullshit or fix it to were it wont fuck you over every day in the game


The old game has no more content after the "Carnival or Funeral" Quest, right? Because I am still not able to talk to the girls in the temple after the funeral...


You should remove hunger and those car stops completely from the game. It doesn't make any sense. This is neither a action nor survival game but you somehow mixed everything in.

Alonzo Bonds

i know but in this game you constantly get messages about loosing money on random shit and loose random stats and you cant continue the game at all


How do you meet Elena at the pool? Thanks

Rutgar Hivard

Agree on removing hunger - its a pain in the ass

Rutgar Hivard

All these questions about things to do and I can't get through the first day at school without fainting from hunger - what's the trick? Is there a sequence of events I must follow in order to meet the director …


Todavía no me he fijado en la escena principal.


236/5000 1. You can only consume a car if you put it on another map, because it doesn't make sense to consume it on the same map 2. If you're hungry, I suggest cave exploration, because it's cognitive 3. Exploration and combat can be further expanded by adding various kinds of rewards, economic methods and simulated operation, so that there is more consumption space for funds 4. The probability of random events need to be adjusted, and suggested the player for capital to 0 to stop consumption of random events, but if join the simulation operation can be ignored, because now it's easy to get in debt, so that the roots cannot continue the game, now I every day to the archive, once the money over to the consumption of random events I can only read file again, so this design become no meaning


El uso de bateria y de comida es un poco exagerado, cuando te mueves un par de veces por el mapa ya estas jodido, y lo unico que se consigue es quedar endeudado.


I use the site saveeditonline.com to edit the amount of money you have to even the stats on the save file you made, also works on RPG Maker games.


empeze el juego otra vez para intentar seguir la estrategia diferente y solo llevo 3 dias de juego y -9900 y lo mas duro q cuando ya llevo -3500 otros 5000 d penalizacion


con todos los respetos y mis deseos de que se arregle todo pero es injugable las penalizaciones te machacan de tal forma que ya solo puedes dedicar el dia a trabajar y hacer dinero para que a los 5 dias mas deuda por la bateria del coche no puedes comprar pociones no puedes comprar el vestido dl ritual no puedes comprar comida tendrias que arreglarlo antes incluso por que ahora mismo no se puede jugar


Hi, wanted to bring up something i noticed ingame. In the "OLD" version of this game when u worked in the pizza joint if u denied having sex with those 2 girls that wanted a sweet desert 3 times u were given a tip of 120 bux. Now in this version i find the math interesting for if u do the same thing you get only a 100 bux. what is even more confusing it if u were to have sex the first time they ask u you receive 50 bux, do that 3 times and you receive 150 bux. Wouldn't make more sense that if you hold out till the 3rd time they ask you receive 200 dollars or more, cause at this state u get more just saying yes every time they ask you?


And as far as the random debits we get to our money or popularity, maybe that is where a mini game can be employed to either negate the debit totally, or improve it even further to a positive number, giving the player the option to either improve their fate, or deal with it as it has been dealt out to them.


anyone know how to give elena her bikini? i think i won it the lucky box (red one piece) but don't know how to give it to her


essa versão o dinheiro tá bugado


Elena needs a bikini, but I went to the mall and randomly went to the bikini. A week later, the beach still showed that there was no bikini. I can go into the cave now, but Elena's event cannot continue