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 This new version you have to be careful with Katerina, she will hunt you if you commit any violations at school. 

 List of violations of the rules: 

 1. Missing classes. If you miss Class one day, she'll look for you the next day. 

2. Escape the classroom, in the middle of the class. 

3.  Being late for classes, for: Having sex in the morning, damaging your car, or running out of fuel.

 They will be included more in the future, but this is what I can confirm. 



Will we receive a list of the violations we need to avoid to bypass her?


Ya estoy deseando de que llegue el dia para probar las nuevas funciones 😍


looking forward to this release, oh btw i still have that drawing for you, just have no way to get it to you.

Bernard Mouchet

It's still (months!) without any games. Many words, without the slightest test ............ Very tiring.

Bernard Mouchet

Las chicas me extrañan. Pronto tendré que buscar en otro lado.