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In the next new version launch (not in this) we gonna eliminate the 1 dollar patron, 'cause it's like giving away the game 



so there is no estimated date when version 1.3 will be released?


31th of this month


i do not think that this is the right way to treat your suporters, sure they spent "only" one dollar each month, but if you add it up it's twelve a year 50+ suporters is 600 bucks. perhaps there is another way simple make it possible to spend two dollars, simply to make it possible for not so wealthy people to suport you. and do not forget possible recommendations to friends. In the end its your choise, i personally think it's not wise, and not because of i'm a one dollar suporter right now, I#ve spend much more in the process of your development if you take a closer look ;). as jigsaw said "The choise is yours!" :P