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Hello everyone:

 As you know this version has a lot of bug fixes .

 Which does not include: 

 Does not yet include the correction of the history of Karina. 

 This is because you have to make a big decision. Be able to do it before you get the mansion or be able to do it after you get the mansion.  So we'll put it to the vote. 

 The result of the vote will be included this correction in the version 0.1.2 


 I was thinking about doing a walkthrough, but as Karina's story requires making a decision, I'll wait until the 0.1.2 version 

 The BG 0.1.1 b fix, includes a major correction in Olivia's story. After reading the Discord, you can learn that if you completed the story of Leonora, before Olivia, you could not complete the story of Olivia. 

BG ver 0.1.1B here 

fix here 


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