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 Hello to all, the work of the version BG 0.1 are going well, and I would like to communicate that is optimized in game. Now the game weighs 1.4 GB, without losing quality of the images. 



good, so when we can play new realease game?


It's ready when it's done :D


Hello Lee, let us hope that the day 10, but you must have patience in the event that it takes one or two day. To that must be a little delay ? My colleague translated things that should not translate or change things that ought not to change. It is where they leave the damned bug.To avoid that the game has errors should I take at least a day to correct any bug, which exit in the translation.


hrhr we are in blizzard land ;)


well, leocid made some big promises. So we, his patreons, do have some big expectations.


I have no need to lie or to create false expectations, the new version has 17 animations, and a system of study. Also a good surprise not referred to avoid spoiler


i hope release new version monthly


I do not call you a liar leocid. But you have no reason to complain, that we are waiting for your result. And if i would think you are a liar or cheater leocid, i would have canceled my pledge already. Your game is a good one and that's why i'll stay patient. But this won't last forever.