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 Hello everyone, and I want to ask you a thousand apologies for the delay of the news I must give. 

 The game will again be a delay, for big reasons "is very big."   And I'm not talking about size that weighs information, I'm talking about the content of the game.  If the 0.0.9 noticed that had enough content the 1.0 has much more content.  To start I want to give you an updated list of advances. 

 1. No longer 12 animations, now are 16 animations of pure sex. 

2.  Three amazing battles.

3. New Romance System 

 As you can see in the image will no longer be numbers, but hearts, they told you how much your girls love you. 

4.  New indicators, the book represents the level of preparation for the exam of each month.   And the bottle the level of fatigue.

5  No longer 400 images but 600 images. 

 And you can imagine, it's a lot of information to work.    It is asked that you lack of all this...  Really little only need to complete Olivia's dialogues in her apartment and Katerina's dialogues in the punishment room.  I think that before February 28 would be finished its Spanish version, but not the English version, because the translator should translate a ton of dialogue. So much pain I have to spend for the next March 10th.   

Usually the translator takes 5 days almost everything he sent him, but here the biggest bug in the game happens. And that's when I laughed at the pirate forums, they say I'm bad at playing the game.  I would therefore ask thousand apology, by not being able to fulfill in the delivery, but the version 1.0 is almost as if it were a new game. Is that many will be angry and to frustrate a lot and perhaps no longer want help me more and they really don't blame, but if they liked the version 0.0.9, is new version will not disappoint, I only ask a lot of patience and compression. 





saldra la version en español antes que la Inglesa ?¿ o se esperara a tener la traducion entera al ingles para sacarlo?¿


Podría enviarte la versión en español, pero la condición es que le aportes al publico cual fue tu experiencia.


too much delayed..


I'm sorry it's frustrating, but it's a lot of work. Every day I go to bed at 4 AM to get the game ready, but there is a lot to program.


Bueno amigo ahora te entiendo por el retraso y como dije ante yo aun te voy a seguir apoyando y por lo que dijiste arriva se viene un juego increible 😎.


Gracias por el apoyo, y comprensión. Solo el sistema de estudio te cambia el juego completamente.


Well, i'll keep myself patient leo, if you're bringing what you are singing. It'll be worth the delay. Don't take as threat dude: If you will keep your promise, i'll stand with you..... :-) But if you don't.......well, you can imagine it for yourself what will coming up.


.. And in French (trolololol), i'm kidding !!


Hola amigo como va el progreso del juego.


any new update notice? working progress information


pls give us some update notice~~


Bueno si no contecto mi pregunta debe estar a full trabajo para terminarlo antes del 10 de marzo asi que voy a esperar un poco mas.