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 The new 0.1 version will come with new surprises. You will have to study and do group work. 




I can not download with "mega are you an another link please?

Tom Vrancken

Played the game with selecting the "good" road for Elena, ending up with her being my girlfriend now. Odd thing is, Elena ends up asking me to go shopping with her 8 out of 10 times, when i want to go to work to earn money. Anywhich way I choose , I end up loosing 100 loyalty points, but can't make any money to buy gifts to get them up again. The only way i found that worked was to have the loyalty points go down to zero, she then stops coming up to you at the city area, then i can go to work , buy shit-ton of gifts and make it up to her the week after, but this cycle never ends... Also I do not understand, why having intercourse with them decreases their loyalty to you, to the contrary, it should increase the bond, especially since the girls make it feel like you are doing them a favor...or is it just me doing something wrong?

Christopher White

Is the exam in the current version or is that a typo and it will be in the next release.


Hi I read your message three times and has put me to reflect a lot. And maybe you are right and you have to make a change to the system. But I will leave it to a vote and depending on the result I'll make the changes.


Hi I'm going up the file to MediaFire to see if everything goes well.