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 The next update will implement work and shop. 

 Important clarification I want to give. The scene of Carol, was not included in the version 0.0.7 due to this developing the system of work and shopping. Much of the success of an appointment will depend on whether you have a good amount of money or a gift. That was the reason for the because it was not including the appointment with Carol. 



Christopher White

So can we expect to see the new versions mid month for now on?


can you spy without getting caught?


Of course, if you raise the confidence of the girl who want to spy on.


Yes, I already start to deliver new versions to mid-every month as always been.

Christopher White

Awesome changes. Thanks for the new artwork. I don't understand why you lose points with Elana no matter how you have sex with her.


You lose points because it is part of the story, she disappoints are losing. You must return to collect the points again In the second attempt you win.


Could you please expand your game guide a little bit? I am kinda stuck ... TY1